Thursday 18 April 2013

Hard truths

This week I learned why I am short despite having once felt tall. Apparently, and this makes sense, kids who start puberty earlier have higher levels of estrogen (or testosterone), which makes them grow taller and develop more at a younger age. But these same hormones hasten the end of puberty as well, marked by the closure of growth plates (epiphyseal plates) in the long bones (arms and legs) at a younger age. This leaves fewer years for a growth spurt. Thus, I went from center to guard (to bench, if I'm honest) between fourth and sixth grades. I wish, instead of wracking their brains and the family tree for tall relatives, that someone had told me this when I was 10.

Tomorrow is the big day: the healthy food contest (and, continuing the theme from last week, my last and grossest gross dissection of the year)! Just to prove that it could be done, I made my chicken and chole curry from two weeks ago. I will serve it with cilantro and a choice of couscous or brown rice. Feels like the night before Christmas around here... And new recipes next week, I promise!

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