Tuesday 9 April 2013


Day 2 of endocrinology is mind-blowing. Some teasers:

  • Ever wonder why 55 degrees feels practically tropical in the spring but freezing in the fall? It turns out that prolonged cold -- such as several months of winter -- stimulates thyroid activity, increasing your metabolism to keep you warmer at any temperature.
  • Lack of sleep stunts growth: growth hormone, which promotes bone and soft tissue growth and energy availability (think increased metabolism again), is released in several peaks throughout the day. The largest of these peaks occurs in the middle of the night, and will be smaller (less growth hormone will be released) if you don't get your nightly rest.
  • Physiology of hangovers: alcohol (ethanol) suppresses vasopression, which is responsible for preventing dehydration by increasing water reabsorption in your kidneys. When you drink, vasopression function is diminished, and your body is able to run into dehydration.

Conclusions? Get ready for a slow summer metabolism, aim for adequate sleep, and drink lots of water!

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