Saturday 22 June 2013

Another perfect day

Another three-hour hike to San Marcos on the ridge along the lake, this time with two pleasant women from the Iguana, the hostel down the road. They responded to my "personal" looking for fellow hikers and we became temporary friends for a few hours. Excellent company.

Then of course my day was made in San Marcos because I went grocery shopping! For my last week: an eggplant, a chayote, a cucumber, three small white onions, five plum tomatoes, three avocados, a pineapple, a small papaya, two eggs, two mini corn tortillas fresh off the grill and eaten hot, and a bag of strawberries. All for under $10. My lucky day! The egg shells were hard when I cracked them, with dirt on the outside and orange yolks inside. Fresh!

Before lunch I went for a swim in the lake and then sunbathed and read on the dock. Then lunch, turning over of the Sullivan-Street-recipe bread I've had rising since last night, and now an iced coffee and back to reading on the balcony! I will report back on how the bread turns out. High hopes.

I object to calling it paradise due to the poverty and poor sanitation and lack of education and jobs and diseases the locals are facing: but as a visitor it's pretty nice.

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