Friday 14 February 2014

Valentine's Day and friends and advocacy

There's a scene in "Clueless" where Cher, coming out of a dark place, decides that she needs a complete makeover of her soul. "What makes somebody a better person?" she wonders.
And then I realized all my friends were really good in different ways. Like Christian, he always wants things to be beautiful and interesting. Or Dionne and Murphy, when they think no one is watching, are so considerate of each other. Poor Ms. Geist, always trying to get us involved, no matter how much we resist.*
I quote Cher to explain why Albany Med's inaugural Med Student Advocacy Day meant so much to me. It is wonderful to feel led by friends to try something new, to develop skills of which I am perfectly capable but which I would not have thought to explore on my own.

Six months ago, three of my good friends on campus decided to organize a day when med students from Albany Med and across the state could speak with legislators about issues relevant to our patients and our careers. For me, the first step was becoming comfortable allowing others to take the lead, deciding to join as a participant rather than an organizer. Over the next few months, as they developed the process and scheduled our meetings, I worked with other participants to research and develop our arguments. We practiced a few times in teams, adjusting our talking points to become more clear individually and cohesive as a whole.

On Advocacy Day, I attended three meetings with legislative staff. In these meetings, I was able to take on an identity and a persona that took me out of my pajama-wearing, sleep-deprived, textbook-hovering norm. I tried to step outside of myself and speak as a future physician on behalf of patients, as an influencer of New York state health care policy. As someone informed, empathic, a good listener. (Really my voice was shaking and my arguments halting.) Equally importantly, I saw my friends in the same light. Well dressed, excellent postures, speaking eloquently and passionately about the people they've met and the experiences they've had. Peers I can admire and learn from.

Advocating on behalf of patients was a dream that I once had while shadowing a doctor during my premed days. It was something I had forgotten about. And then it was finally something that I was able to do because my friends made it possible.

Happy Valentine's Day!

*I did not have this scene memorized but I was able to go exactly to the spot in the movie where it takes place.

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